Wednesday, May 23, 2012

The Chicago Bulls Team And Its Greatest Players

We all know that the Chicago Bulls team is a group that has great history that they boast about. They have ruled the world of basketball in the 1990's and that decade will be forever remembered for so many generations later. Even if we don't reveal his name yet but when you refer to him as the best basketball player ever lived, you will only have his name on your mind, and the best thing is that, Chicago Bulls team has been placed in the map of basketball history, mainly because of him. Visit the bulls site.

We can also name Scottie Pippen, Derrick Rose, Jerry Sloan, Dennis Rodman, as well as Artis Gilmore as commendable players from the Chicago Bulls team and include them in the list of the best professional basketball players in the NBA. But the top three choices will always go to Michael Jordan, Derrick Rose, and Scottie Pippen.

3. Derrick Rose

The Chicago Bulls basketball had the pleasure of welcoming Derrick Rose last 2008, aside from that, he was the number one choice on the yearly draft of amateur basketball players that year 2008. Up to this moment, the Chicago Bulls never felt unhappy of favoring him among the many others as Rose has made sure he always help his team to be on top. In 2011, he was declared MVP, in 2009, he was given the Rookie of the Year award, as well as appointed two times to be in the All Star team even if he only played for 3 seasons. At the present, Derrick Rose is considered to be the face of his team.

2nd Place: Scottie Pippen

We all know that Scottie Pippen has taken part in all six championship games of the Chicago Bulls, apart from Michael Jordan. He joined the All Star team 7 times in a row and joined the All-Defensive team for 8 times as well. This Hall of Famer maybe believed to be a shadow of Michael Jordan, but his skills had greatly helped the Chicago Bulls team to win titles. Nobody can contest that Scottie Pippen is one of the best guard NBA has ever had in history. Have chicago bulls varsity jacket.

1. Michael Jordan

Everybody knows that Michael Jordan's trophy cases are full with numerous awards that he had obtained over the years. He is the center and the soul behind the momentous success of the Chicago Bulls. He is considered to be the greatest human being that ever played basketball. The recognition that this game is enjoying now is because of Michael Jordan's presence. No matter what happen, the world of basketball will always perceive him as a star. Michael Jordan is undeniably the greatest player NBA has ever had.

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